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I think most regular Dayar e Dil viewers were dreading the return of the Tajamul’s this week while hoping for more Wali and Faraa and sure enough , in their firm determination not to spoil us, the makers went ahead and kept WaFa to a minimum and piled on the last generation. To be fair all, the angst ridden resolution between Roohi, Arjumand, Agha Jan and the Tajamul’s was a necessary part of the story line ,it’s just that it  took too long to get there. Perhaps these long spun out serials is just something the drama industry wants us to accept but it is a bitter pill to swallow.

Though I had hoped for more Wali/Faraa interaction the episode in itself was good, well-paced and well made. Arjumand was long overdue some apology from Roohi and it came in true Roohi style with a kind of back handed narcissism that must be a psychologist’s dream. Roohi is sorry about the pain she caused Roohi by “snatching” Behroz from her, camera pans to the look of utter disdain on Arjumand’s face. Just like everything else Roohi’s apology is  all about herself but she finally gets her point across when she says she asks Arjumand to not be like her. Throughout this conversation it seemed as if Roohi was only pushing Arjumand even further away but Arjumand is not like Roohi, she is much wiser and much stronger. I think Sanam Saeed and Hareem Farooq were fabulous and managed each nuance of this scene so well.

Hareem Farooq was on a roll this week, the way she portrayed Arjumand contemplating the past and her conversation with Wali were a treat to watch. Not least because of Osman Khalid Butt’s ability to convey everything with his eyes even when Farhat Ishtiaq has denied him the dialogues most actors would have in such a scene. The looks of barely subdued relief and satisfaction that cross Wali’s face as his “ami –Ji” give him permission to accept Faraa were what kept this important scene from falling flat. I have a feeling a lot of the so called relief was a bit of gongloo sey matti jharna because he has been playing Faraa along for a few weeks despite  his mother’s disapproving looks. I have a feeling that decision was made some time ago but why let go of some fun at Faraa’s expense?  Wali is so Chalaaq and playing it so deadpan with Faraa: “ hamari aleydgi bilqul dostana tareekey sey hogee”; no wonder she is so hopeless while he is enjoying his hard earned  upper hand no end.

Faraa tries one more time to convince Wali by using his mother’s approval as an excuse but Wali, quite rightly, won’t have any of it. Its love or nothing for him, as his mother says her children will not lead lives of compromise like their parents. Only Farhat Ishtiaq can write such frothy scenes and make them look cute.  Having said that I felt a little disappointed that Arjumand’s original avowals of being happy with Suhaib seemed to have been given the lie. In fact, I wish we had been given a glimpse of Suhaib rather than Behroz when it came to Arjumand’s decision making.

Another great scene this week was the between Faraa and Roohi. Sanam Saeed and Maya Ali were great, making that mother –daughter chemistry work to excellent effect.  Although it was true to character, I had really hoped that Roohi would learn to forgive or at least understand her part in her negative relationships, at the very least with her brother. Yes, she trusted her brother but the truth is it was her ego that allowed him to get the better of her. It really wasn’t all about the Tajamuls, a lot of it was about Roohi, and just for once I would have liked to see a character like this grow. I mean heck the conversation between Tajamul and Moiz seemed a lot more selfaware. Roohi is so desperate for forgiveness herself, I had thought she might be kinder to the Tajamuls simply because true contrition humbles a person. Even the scenes with Agha Jan were typical Roohi, oh woe is me, and I was pushed into asking for the inheritance etc .. Her surprise at Agha Jan understanding her family’s motivations from day one were just another brick shattering the remnants of her pride. Abid Ali, needless to say ,an absolute pleasure to watch every time .

So last episode next week and finally we can see all the Wafa Bits we saw in the OST. I really am not sure why this is so , why not disperse these moments through out ?  Or why the most important relationship in the story was given second place to the back story ? As usual we will take what we can get because this was a much , much better episode than I expected considering the lambey apologies and all the Tajamul jazz we had to go through in the past

Ps did anyone feel bad for Moiz ?


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written by Sadaf

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Dayar E Dil episode 32 review