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11022949_1574719662806057_2033936056_nI am not sure this week’s episode of Dayar e Dil actually deserved a review but adat sey Majboor let me write a few lines because at the very least it allows for some room to vent. The episode itself wasn’t too bad, good acting and well made (barring the strange close up of OKB where his head seemed bigger than the rest of him) into a neat package which might have been entertaining if we hadn’t seen it all before. I think everyone and their dog has had enough of seeing Maya Ali cry on screen but because the makers can’t think of anything else to stretch this serial ,we got another full episode of woe is me self-absorption from Faraa . Weeping women and zalim , uncompromising mother in laws are the easy route to TRPs in drama land, but a little more effort and work on the story would produce a better quality drama with longevity plus those coveted ratings.

If Faraa really wanted to help with Zarminey’s engagement, shouldn’t she have asked before the event rather than when the guests arrived? If Faraa really wants to win Arjumand over why not just talk to her or try doing something for her to break the ice? How about apologizing for her previous behavior? There is something so superficial about Faraa’s character at the moment that I miss the angry spitfire Faraa whose motivations and actions made sense. Similarly a sensible person like Arjumand would not waste her time attacking a defenseless girl in Faraa’s position , especially when she has been in that position herself , forced to marry a man she hardly had feelings for in the beginning. Rather than an angry, implacable mother in law I would have thought she was a concerned mother who would help her son understand his situation rather than take over Roohi’s role.

The rest of the episode was about Roohi and Moiz fighting it out. Roohi looks to have been in coma for the last month, unable to find a phone or even think about her daughter but she is suddenly all action after over hearing Moiz’s convenient confession.  It might have had an impact but what should have been a contemplative “I have been an emotional fool “realization turned into some kind of 1960s Bollywood “we have to contrive a finale “action sequence.

On top of this Wali was put into purdah for a lot of this episode and apart from the odd scene it seemed a wasted opportunity to me. The two scenes I liked were Zarminey telling Faraa, Wali was crazy about her and when Wali not so subtly tells his mother to back off about Faraa. Of course every scene with Abid Ali in it was worth watching too. Most of Dayar e Dil’s charm is in the Wali –Faraa interaction without that it just seemed like a needlessly repetitive loop of how Faraa is feeling.

From next week’s promo it seems we had all better be prepared for “Action Wali” as Moiz has completely crossed over to the dark side and kidnaps Faraa, who seems to be a member of kidnap victim of the month club … lets who will kidnap her this month?  The nauseating dialogues sprouting from Moiz in the promo about Nikaah’s and rukhsatis made my stomach heave and I keep asking why all this was necessary, when the original story was perfect? The only consolation I have is the hope that both Moiz and Roohi get what they so richly deserve.

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written by Sadaf

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Dayar E Dil episode 29 review