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This was  an interesting episode despite the story not moving forward much. Faraa and Wali have made their deal and are finding out exactly how hard it is to follow through on their promises.

Faraa was an emotional mess this episode. However much she hates her situation, the enforced company of Agha Jan, Zarminey, Arjumand and most of all Wali is slowly making her evaluate all her preconceived notions and judgments. Most of the episode was taken up with the clashes between Faraa and Wali, using that Osmaya chemistry to maximum effect. I really felt for Faraa‘s character : confused at finding the haveli such a surprising haven of peace and security while suppressing the inevitable guilt at staying there against her mother’s wishes . It is a testament to Faraa‘s strong will and growing maturity that she is not shaken by either her mother or Moiz and abides by the rules of her agreement with Wali. There is a streak of determination and courage in her which tells Faraa to face her problems herself. At times I felt sorry for her but she lost my sympathy the minute she declared her intention to marry Moiz right in front of Wali. I know all is fair in love and war but I find it in really bad taste to plan another marriage before the present one is over.

Wali may think he has everything in order and all his emotions safely compartmentalized but the more he lectures Faraa about concentrating on Agha Jan the more I think he is talking about Khanzada Wali Suhaib Khan. There is a world of subtext in those threats and sarcastic pieces of advice he keeps offering a completely unamused Faraa. Another thing Wali never counted on was the utterly hostile reception Faraa would get from his mother and sister. While Arjumand is cold but tolerant, Zarminey can barely stand to be in Faraa’s presence.  Mariam Nafees is portrayal is just perfect, the right mix of disgust and indignation on behalf of her family and especially her brother. I was cracking up with laughter at Wali joining Zarminey and Faraa after their bitter exchange of words. Like most Men, he could sense something had happened but sat awkwardly looking from one to the other in the uncomfortable silence.

Needless to say Osman Khalid Butt and Maya Ali were the stars of the show making every scene, every skirmish between their characters work with a completely unconscious synchronicity that makes Wali and Faraa so fabulous to watch. Despite Wali’s supposedly dire threats, Faraa is not cowed one bit and after a while she simply walks away while he is still talking. Just like her father Behroz, this woman is not easily broken and though Wali knows how to bait her enough to manipulate her, he still doesn’t understand her. For that matter neither does Moiz. Moiz’s true nature seems to be coming very apparent in the promo for next week but just in this episode his lecturing phone call should have been enough to put any girl off. I had actually expected a reasonable amount of sympathy and respect for Faraa’s opinion from the over friendly octopus but there simply wasn’t any. Ahmed Zaib has played Moiz with enough nuance to keep us guessing but is it really a surprise that he is just as much of a gold digger as his parents? If anything I wish Faraa could choose Wali just because she liked him without demonizing Moiz.

Frozen out by her own mother and living in a hostile household, Faraa finally begins to value Agha Jan’s unconditional love. The breakfast scene between Dada and Poti was so sweet and Agha Jan managed to embarrass Faraa into some semblance of sincerity. Reminding her how much she resembled her stubborn father. Faraa was very close to her father and her grief is still very deep. From next week’s promo Behroz will be the key to bringing Dada and pothi together. Again Abid Ali is always a pleasure to watch . Such an amazing actor !

The best scene for me was between Wali and Faraa in the kitchen, despite all the sparring and affected nonchalance, Faraa finally managed to get under Wali’s skin again . The way Wali follows Faraa around is almost protective and as much as he denies it he seemed genuinely hurt by the end of the scene. So At this point I am trying very hard not to hate Faraa…. It’s not working.

Overall this was a much, much better episode than last week, better edited and well written. I am really looking forward to next week and to that Faraa /Wali relationship developing beyond the eent ka jawab pathar clashes.

On a side note: who remembers the kitchen scene from Humsafar ? So Khirad innocently walks in to get breakfast and Asher is giving her looks that kill ….. Because his father just asked him to consider her as a potential wife. This scene between Faraa and Wali brought it back in a flash. Of course this is generation next romance so , silent glances are not going to cut it .No, this generation says exactly what it doesn’t mean but the audience understands completely.

written by Sadaf


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Dayar E Dil episode 23 review