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 I hope this week’s gripping episode means that Dayar e Dil is back on track. For purists/ originalists like me the story has only really started this week. Much as I appreciated the last 11 episodes and adored the Suhaib/Arjumand dynamic, the relationship between Wali and Faraa is the one I started watching for.

Roohi’s arrival at the haveli is not an auspicious one; she is in an angry, barely civil mood that threatens to spill over into an angry outburst at the slightest provocation. Roohi acts like a spoiled four year old, either pouting in corners or snapping at people because things are not going her way. I think we can all safely assume this is her nature and this is how she will always be.  She is an immature, incredibly insecure woman who can never rise above her own feelings and part of the blame lies with her husband Behroz. She is a girl without parents who has grown up under the control of her small minded Bhabi and probably thinks her rudeness is normal behavior. Behroz has never done anything to counteract this either. He is the one who should have told her about Suhaib’s attempts at reconciliation , instead it seems as if he spent his time bad mouthing his own family by saying Suhaib married Arjumand to somehow put him down. Sanam Saeed is playing Roohi with a bit of a heavy hand but otherwise she has this character down really well. Roohi may have been a good mother, a good wife , a good sister and any number of positive things in her life but she cannot rise above herself enough to accept her husband’s family .

Having said all of that No one can in their right mind can possibly think it would be a good idea to marry her one child into that same family. Oh wait, Behroz could. As I have said in my earlier reviews, Behroz is one of those people who get one idea in their head and run with it and right now the bee in his bonnet is Faraa and Wali ka Nikkah. From Behroz’s hints it is seems as if he too is ill,(like his brother) and fears for his family’s future but perhaps he should share these concerns with Roohi and allow his wife to get used to the new situation before making such a decision . I don’t blame Roohi for a minute, what a scary thought; to give your daughter to people who rejected and humiliated you from day one of your connection with them. Roohi has never seen the good side of Agha Jaan and Arjumand etc, is she supposed to be clairvoyant? Why doesnt Behroz explain how Suhaib trie to reconnect all these years … oh yes Roohi wouldn’t care anyway..  Mikaal Zulfikaar has given another fabulous performance.  Both Sanam Saeed and Mikaal were fabulous this week as a couple who have not really understood each other in twenty years, despite all the romance the flowers and the promises of true love. Twenty years without any interference from Behroz’s family and yet the gaps between them are still gaping, empty spaces, unfilled by love or respect. A wiser woman would accept her in laws at face value and calm her husband down but Roohi’s recalcitrance and straight out rudeness is actually pushing Behroz to become firmer in his decision . Ultimately Roohi’s fears are more than justified .

I still cannot understand why Arjumand is putting up with this nonsense. This seems to be the weakest link in the story. I felt so sad for her having to face Roohi and Behroz at this painful time and when she brought out her old wedding dress. Again Hareem Farooq impresses in even a few moments on screen.

The best scenes this episode had to be between Faraa, Wali and Zarminey. The chemistry between Osman and Maya from their Aunn Zara days is still alive and kicking. While Osman’s Wali is everybody’s “good Boy” with the ‘adults’ around Zarminey and Faraa there was a lot mischief and sweetness. Osman Khalid Butt plays the perfect Wali and Maya is just right as Faraa .Amusing as it was to see Wali play with Faraa by pretending to be a the typical jahil, Zamindar type who spends his type riding around his estate instead of studying he may live to regret it . Faraa is very young and very much under the negative influence of her mother and her family so this may well gel into an image of Wali for her. Faraa is already awed by the pictures of her own ancestors around the haveli and like her mother protects herself by calling it showing off. While Wali and Zarminey see her as their family she is totally disconnected from them. From the cute, goofy smile on Wali’s face , just like his uncle Behroz, he is already smitten by the girl from Lahore no matter how oblivious Faraa is . Zarminey is right, don’t trust anything lala says about Faraa he is getting married to her tomorrow.. … Osman, Maya and Maryam were the perfect foils to the sad conversations between the adults and I cannot wait for the episodes where they are the major players.

My main complaints are for whoever the idiot, yes idiot is who makes the promos … what in heaven’s name is going on in the promos’ department? Every week we get to see a promo that has nothing to do with the actual episode we are going to see. Where was the scene of Wali and Faraa’s Nikkah that was in the promos? What is the point of such promos in the first place?

This was another great episode full of good performances from all the actors, woven seamlessly together by director Haseeb Hassan and good writing by Farhat Ishtiaq.

Written by Sadaf

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Dayar E Dil episode 12 review