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Suhaib’s untimely death has swept through his family like a whirlwind .Like last week, this was another emotionally charged episode, as Behroz returns to the heart of his family and tries to mend all the relationships he broke with such haste twenty years ago. Of all the scenes that worked I have to say Agha Jaan and Behroz were the best. Father and son reuniting, connecting and forgiving with a refreshing lack of recriminations were again wonderfully executed. Every week Abid Ali is amazing, what a fabulous actor he is and the perfect choice for this role. I have to confess that I was a complete wet, sobbing mess after he calls for his dead son and Mikaal never let us down for a minute either. His Behroz was just right: a weak man who realises he has been chasing the shadow of his own ego for so long he can barely understand the extent of his loss.

There was lots of male bonding this episode, with Wali following his Taya or Barey Baba around like mother hen. Wali is such a wonderful character; just like his father, he is a kind, loving person who is a support for everyone. It was kind of sweet to see his natural efficiency finally break down with Behroz. Apart from that lovely scene, Osman Khalid Butt still seems uncomfortable in this role but I am still hoping he will give us the Wali we see in the promos soon. Meanwhile I am trying to understand the “aging” and why it seems off kilter. Arjumand’s character was overboard on the aging before and this week she really did not look much older than her alleged son. This whole marking of generations has been handled clumsily and it shows.

Last week I thought Behroz was going to get a good telling off from Laila but it was left till the last part of the episode and any vindictive pleasure I might want to get out of it will have to wait till next week. I really liked how they showed that Laila, like any decent person, has moved on but she feels for Suhaib’s family as a good friend should, especially as she was witness to Behroz traumatic departure.

Sanam Saeed looks as if she is going to give another strong performance in this role, I just hope she manages to retain some nuance and does not allow Roohi to become a complete villain. Superficially I can understand some nervousness, even hesitance on Roohi’s part when she considers Behroz’s family, after all she has had no positive connection with them these last twenty years and the fear that Behroz might abandon her at some point because of them probably still haunts her but her possessiveness and small minded complaints are unbearable. I almost felt sorry for Behroz till I remembered he has done little to counteract his wife’s negativity. She really has no empathy for anyone except her own family and is easily influenced by her equally small minded sister in law. The way she demanded Behroz return immediately not once asking after his father or family was really disgusting.

Faraa seems to be a lot more reasonable and sensible than her mother. She understand her father’s predicament and is not particularly impressed with her mother’s family either. From next week’s promos we can see that the seeds that Suhaib planted in Behroz‘s mind are taking root as he asks Wali and Arjumand to accept a Nikkah with Faraa. Behroz realizes Suhaib was ultimately the better person and after seeing how much Wali takes after his father he sees that not only would this be a wise choice for his daughter but a grand gesture that might heal the rifts in their family. Wali and Faraa look ripe for the kind of emotional blackmail that really shouldn’t be the basis of any rishta. Wali would like to see his father’s wishes fulfilled and help his family heal, while Faraa loves her father too much to disappoint him in anyway.

This was another well written , well-made episode but I cannot help but feel some of the momentum was missing this week . Perhaps its the anti climax after Suhaib , perhaps we all miss Ali Rehman  but I am looking forward to next week and more importantly all the Wali -Faraa scenes from the promos which got me hooked in the first place .

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Written by Sadaf

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Dayar E Dil episode 10 review