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This has to be the least believable episode ever or perhaps I am just too mad at Murad to forgive him. It begins with a sad looking Umama walking home from the school job after she has just been fired. It goes downhill from there. Umama is in dire straits with hardly any money left to feed her children let alone their school fees. She decides to rent out the upper portion of the house and calls her Phupo Sajda to ask for Mushtaq’s help. Meanwhile Mushtaq has asked his mother if it would not be a bad idea if he married Umama. Understandably his mother refuses, reminding him that Umama comes with four children and is still married to Murad. So I was right about all those thirchi nazars Mushtaq was angling at Umama …too late Mushtaq …too late. As a consequence poor Umama loses even this feeble support from her aunt who gives her a mean spirited speech about a woman’s place in society and how she should put up with her husband’s bad behavior. I really like Afsheen Qureshi; she is a master at these roles.

have to praise Mehar Bano. it is amazing to me that a young girl of her age could understand such emotions and then portray them so naturally and effectively. Her expressions sitting on the steps of her house then sitting by the table were spot on. Worried Mother, worn down by her problems and thinking about them. The only suggestion I would make is sometimes she seems drowned by her clothes especially the abaya

.So Umama leaves her girls at home and goes to the estate agent’s offices with her daughter Nimra. On their way back Umama asks Nimra to stand and wait, (smart move) but Nimra does what children her age are preprogrammed to do: which is walk off and then gets run over by a motorbike. This has to be the stupidest move Umama made in her life next to marrying Murad. Luckily Mushtaq is passing by and helps a frantic Umama to take Nimra to the hospital. Once Nimra is out of immediate danger Umama rushes off to see her other girls, who are alone in the house. I was not wrong about Mushtaq when I called him the unexpected Rumi of this serial in true wise philosopher mode he calls Murad and then when he arrives gives him a little lecture about Murad’s responsibilities. Good job Mushtaq and good job Talha Mufti for showing a how a person can change and mature with time. The moustache is fooling no one though, he still looks very young.Murad breaks down when he sees Nimra in the hospital and finally comes to his senses, thanking Mushtaq and reassuring Umama. He goes home and is shocked to hear how his daughters have been living. By the end of the episode Murad and Umama seem to be making up and I want to stand in the middle and say …No …no way is that happening. Deeba Baji is still at home acting like a spoiled cat but the mother in law has finally come to some self-realization about her attitude to Umama and her own granddaughters.


I have tried to analyze Murad’s character without much success but my best guess is: he is your typical Mummy’s boy. When his mother was upset with Umama and happy with Deeba Baji, he was too. When his mother realizes Umama’s worth and is disgusted with Deeba Baji, he does too. I think Fahad Mustapha has done a great job and in this episode he was simply fantastic. He really did look contrite and ashamed, I did not want to but I did feel sorry for him crying by Nimra’s bedside. Still I found this whole thing hard to swallow just as I found his indifference towards his girls hard to comprehend. I know Umama is going to cave but I just wish Murad had to work a little harder to win his wife and children’s confidence after his mistreatment of them. I just hope this does not all become Deeba’s fault. Deeba may be mean spirited but the actual pain and damage was caused by Murad and his behavior. A second marriage may not be a sin but neglecting your wife and children’s rights is. I hope this serial does not follow the trend in many of our dramas, where men are excused and infantilized because they were manipulated by a conniving woman. Murad chose to take those actions and he needs to own up to his failings.



Written by Sadaf



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Daagh Episode 22