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The Bewaqoof dost in this instance is Ramin’s mother who thinks that by suppressing Ramin and somehow standing guard  she can make  this situation go away. If it had been a stranger who raped Ramin , perhaps with time and effort there would have been some healing but Numair is Azar’s relative , one he admires and hopes to emulate, so their contact will be constant . Maa ji should have used some common sense and listened to Ramin  but then Maa ji has been air head from day one of this serial so why change now. The unbelievable speech she gives about husbands being “Majazi Khuda” made me want to throw up. This role is so pivotal to the story that it should have been given to someone with depth like Samina Peerzada or Saba Hamid .

Ramin and Azar leave the rasm o rivage at Numair and Manal’s house and go home to a simpl welcome . The highlight of the episode was Ramin and Azar first interraction as husband and wife . Ramin is scared and wont allow Azar to touch her . Azar quietly reassures her and goes to sleep elsewhere . It was nice to see that azar did not push her , that he was kind and tried to reassure her without pressurising her in any way . My rspect for azar’s character shot up sky high after that scene , maybe air head Maa ji has a point? Other than that it was refreshing to see a lack of chalaq Sasurali types and none of the usual pointless traditions we are forced to view drama after drama on screen. Samira Fazal has thankfully given Ramin normal in laws ,who only want her and Azar to be happy . I actually enjoyed the scenes of everyone helping at the newlyweds breakfast which is usually a scene full of hurt feelings and double meanings in so many other stories.

On a technical level the episode and story are on an upward gradient. The actors involved have hit their stride ; Sajal Ali and Feroz Khan/Malik  (?) have great chemistry together and played their well written scenes together with seamless ease.  I am still waiting on Manahil’s character to unfold . till now she seems  two dimensional and unthinking. Yasir Nawaz and Samira Fazal have made a slick ,efficient product , easy to watch and thrilling enough to capture the audiences attention and loyalty every Tuesday evening . However there is no depth . The difficult issues are not explored nor are the characters allowed any introspection or self analysis;instead they float like  leaves on the surface of fast moving but  shallow water .

written by Sadaf




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Chup Raho : episode 5 review