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So Ramin managed to escape Numair’s little trap this time, or did she? From last week’s episode it seemed as if Numair would pounce on his innocent sister in law once he got her alone in the apartment. Instead he toys with her, making no serious attempt to actually assaulting her but crossing lines of decency any girl in our culture would understand. Again at the actual engagement party, (shout out to the DOP for catching every nuance of these important scenes), Numair behaves entirely inappropriately. Azar leaves his bride and not only stands by as Numair hugs his bride to be in a very creepy manner but actually takes pictures. download (43)  At this point I have to call out the director Yasir Nawaz for not visualizing these scenes so badly. A practiced predator like Numair would be caught immediately if he acted like this .Similarly the possessive words of Azar seem totally contradictory to his behavior in this scene. I have noticed Yasir Nawaz is a very much into touchy /feely scenes which are ok if they are picturised aesthetically and add to the story. Here ,they actually spoil the subtlety of Samira Fazal’s script. Numair might as well walk around with a Neon sign on his forehead saying: “I am a Rapist “.

Jibran Syed is doing a fantastic job so far but he does cross into the theatrical now and then. I wish our actors would sometimes underplay such roles: the subtle menace of Nauman Ejaz and Khalid Ahmed in Ullu Bray Frukht Nahi come to mind as perfect examples. Sajal Ali as usual is doing a picture perfect job. This girl can really act and always delivers a considered performance. I love the scenes between Ramin and her father. These people may be poor and beholden but they are not blind or stupid.  Both Father and daughter have picked up on the discordant note Numair is playing and lack of protection Azar will provide and by the end of the episode have agreed to call off the engagement. Azar’s name is not mentioned in this decision and that in itself signals how little trust either of them have in him.cr8

One question that always runs through my mind when I see this kind of situation in reality or in the newspaper reports is:” what did the wives know?” Is Manal really so materialistic or simple that she cannot see past her husband’s façade? Even if she is just doing the ahem….typical “right thing” (in my opinion the WRONG thing but I will have a lot of people jump up and down about aurat ki majbooriyan if say that ) most women are very sensitive of their Mayka’s needs . Why push stuff on them they don’t ask, want or need? Perhaps we will find out more about her character later.

Ramin and Manal’s father’s death was needlesly dramatic and followed by the anaemic reaction of his family seemed a bit of a wasted opportunity. What a wast of space Ramin’s mother is . It is unbeleivable that she has not picked up on the disgusting vibes Numair is giving out. As in  every other drama I watch , let my ask the ritual question : What on earth is stopping Ramin from explaining the entire situation to her mother ? Why cannot Ramin say ” I know yo have a problem with going to live with my Taya but your son in law is making passes at me ?” Then I heard her mother ask if she doesn’t like Numair why did she “go” with him. So perhaps there are such selfish women in the world . So now Ramin plays her last card : Azar … when will women learn their first and last card is themselves . Stand up to this Man before its too late .

Overall this was an interesting episode, fast paced and well written. It is still a good watch despite the lack of restraint and I am definitely interested enough to want to know what happens next.

written by Sadaf

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Chup Raho : episode 2 review