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Lady D is a (wo)man on a mission! Question is what exactly is that mission. As the waters get murkier and secrets start to emerge we see a ripple effect, too bad it isn’t the Butterfly Effect.

This week we continue on the Dania-Bunty-Mehvish arc (and something tells me we’ll be seeing a lot more of this). Mehvish is just as sharp as Dania, make no mistake, she just goes about her plans differently. In one swift gesture our distressed damsel aka Mehvish throws Bunty’s ring out the window, as though he has no meaning in her life.

Life is all about games in the world of Bunty. Surrounded on one hand by a petty and immature love interest and on the other by a controlling and demanding mistress. Mind games all around!

As for his friend, J.B. bechara jahan hora bhi nahi wahan bhi phaas jata hai. Hai ri kismet, as they say. J.B. sahib aap kay hawalay say mein ek baat kahun ga, arre yaar zabaan hai tumharay paas kuch to bolo. Kehtay hain jo zulm karta hai woh to zalim lekin jo zulm hota hua dekhta hai aur kuch nahi kehta, karta woh bhi zalim. J.B. falls in the latter category as he needs to tell his sister to behave with his friends.

As the plot thickens we have Abbas asking for money, Mehvish flexing her muscle, and Dania slowly growing impatient. Have you noticed that every single character is flawed? Some have no redeemable qualities whatsoever, case in point Chauhan and Mirza. I, for one, like that there isn’t a black and white dichotomy but something tells me there’s more shades of grey to come (no pun intended!).

In regards to Bunty, he’s not unaware of Dania’s position but I’m not certain he’s aware of her intentions. Mehvish on the other hand gets it but is she any better than Dania? She calls Bunty “fatichar“, uses him as and when she wants, plays games with him, and now when she doesn’t have his undivided attention she’s plain jealous. In many respects, Dania is not conniving, she’s up front with Bunty from the first episode (not to justify her actions but at least she’s not underhanded).

Hats off to Saba Qamar, she’s making this role work. Not once have I felt that she’s hesitant about Dania or her actions and this shows on screen. Like the sequence on the bike where both her and Bunty are on the beach, it was beautifully shot and very believable. Here’s a woman having fun with a guy she likes and possibly falling for him, what my generation calls going on a date. We, as an audience, could see that irrespective of our moral compass, then again, if it’s morality we are seeking we won’t find it here.

Dania possesses effortless charm and beauty and Qamar does an amazing job of highlighting that subtle confidence. As she talks to Bunty slowly chiding him about his “one friend” and “her mohabbat for him”, I cannot help but wonder what really lies in store for Lady D.

Until then, I leave you with Mehvish’s conversation with her equally bland friend:

Mehivsh: “Yaar woh aunty bahut khatarnak hai.”

Mehvish’s Friend: “Yaar, tu bhi to khatarnak hai.” Exactly my sentiments friend of Mehvish, exactly my sentiments!

RB (Tweet me!)

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Bunty I Love You Episode 6