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A once in a lifetime play: the days when PTV was still the only premium drama producing site but the private productions had started creeping in and NTM had already introduced us to some wonderful individual efforts. Then came PTV World , It is an unrealised fact that the launch of this channel was perhaps the biggest leap towards the independent media scene of today
It had many firsts,

It gave us for the first time a true measure of the acting potential of faisal qureshi who was just picture perfect in the role of boota

Maria wasti who already had many strong performances to her credit brought to screen yet another amazing acting stunt(one often wonders where is this maria lost now a days)

It was perhaps the only tolerable performance of  farah shah(no offence i have never been able to adore her)

and then the chemistry between Babar Ali and Kashif Mehmood was certainly the Midas touch which elevated this drama to somewhere beyond the reach of other plays
and last but not the least viewers saw the very best of Khalil Ur rehman Qamar( after that he always lived in the shadow of this play)

if you ask me to summarize the drama in to one sentence Well!!! it was a film spread over 13 episodes!!! the acting, the direction, the dialogues, the story every thing was so filmy and by filmy i mean typical pakistani film flavour

it was technically a very weak drama yet whenever i  remember it  it is without any touch of bitterness because of two things

Change!!!!! some times even negative changes make you happy ,every thing about Tv drama was so realistic in the dominion of PTV that this filmi play was certainly breath of fresh air!!

and the second i will again mention the performance of babar ali and kashif mehmood, i specially rememebr the  scence when babar ali asks Kashif mehmood for 500 rupees, for me this one scene was the pinnacle of khalil ur rehman qamar ,something only he could have brought to us and again babar ali’s death scene was the only scene which in decades of my television viewing history brought tears to my eyes(i accept it was not that emotional it just hit  a chord from my past)

all in all it was a good entertainment package and perhaps a vital yet inrecongnised link in the drama of yesterday and today

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Boota From Toba Tek Singh: A glimpse from the Past