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Bashar Momin is fast losing it’s admittedly tenuous grip on reality. So,the long awaited explanation or back story for Bashar and his sisters crazy behaviour is revealed . Bashar’s mother played by the beautiful Hina Bayat left his boring , much older and much poorer but oh so shareef father for her first love Zafar . who is a ‘shaandaar mard’. In fact Bashar’s Father Momin is so , so Shareef that he hangs himself in front of his desperate children because he cannot face the world…. leaving his innocent children to do it alone.Is it just me who sees this act as entirely egotistical and selfish ? Why not just divorce her and take care of your children ? Funnily enough I can’t scrape up any sympathy for Momin or anyone else in Bashar’s family. Last week I was worried about Rudaba’s lack of intelligence  but this week Bashar and Tayaba win the prize for an combined IQ of less than 10. After punching and kicking Bulund in the stomache in full view of their entire family ,both  brother and sister are shocked and surprised that Bulund is angry . Way to go Bulund for chucking Tayaba out and leaving ,at least you have some sense.  download (48)

Lack of IQ sey yaad aya , Adil is quite happy to send his sister off to be raped by Bashar. Similarly Rudaba suddenly decides to get into the spirit of things and whips out an admittedly beautiful bridal dress sans sleeves and an incredibly low neckline. Oh dear  ,was this really Zanjabeel Asim’s script ? Can this truly be the same writer who gave us Ek Nazar meri taraf ,Marasim and Saat pardon mein?BM ep25

I really wanted the scene between Bashar and Rudaba on their wedding night  to be sensitive and full of pathos instead it was sadly predictable and unnecessarily sleazy. What a disappointment when both Faysal and Rudaba  looked so gorgeous. Here was Rudaba’s chance to act like a normal person , to show some kind of defiance , if she could not save her body at least save her soul. Sadly Rudaba has all the strength of a freshly made jelly and continued to appease and cower and of course weep in front of bad , bad Bashar. I have an idea that people like Bashar despise weakness and admire courage and strength. So Rudaba I have a message for you : He’s just not that into you dear and even if he was …your doing it wrong.

Hina Bayat was fabulous as the selfish mother obsessed with getting back to her true love Zafar . I ALMOST ( and I mean almost ) felt some kind of sympathy for  for her as she begged her husband for a divorce. Full marks to Hina and the young man playing the younger Bashar for great acting that saved these last two episodes from becoming a complete farce. Bashar’s mother was cold and cruel, abandoning her children . She doesn’t even care that Zafar has children and a wife either. Before dying Bashar’s father makes Bashar promise to never marry a woman who loves someone else which is I suppose  is Bashar’s excuse for his evil treatment of Rudaba. Sorry not buying it , not for minute. First of all Bashar forced Rudaba into this mess and most importantly Bashar really has no feelings for Rudaba in the first place.

Does anyone know when Bashar became a piano prodigy ? There were sweeping shots of him banging passionately away at the piano , watch out Van Cliburn is all I can say. The cutest moment had to be Bashar getting ready for his wedding , with his father’s voice in the background … yes Bashar you are handsome and you know it ;)

Annoying as this drama can be I still watch it with baited breath every week ( now I am worried about my IQ ) . Despite the awful , awful cinematography , senseless direction and regressive characterisations of women  it is still some how compelling enough to watch every week.

written by SADAF


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Bashar Momin: episodes 24-25