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So, Ghazanfar actually just felt sorry for Zubeida all this time! What Ghazanfar said seemed nothing more than a blatant lie which he told to get himself out of the entire situation. There were so many times he actually went out of his way to be there for Zubeida without even telling Firdous about it and it was quite obvious that he was not doing all of it out of sympathy or only because Zubeida was his wife’s sister! Everyone had a happy ending except for Zubeida, who made a total fool out of herself and thought she could still start all over again. I think Zubeida did not seem like a normal person at all today or in the previous episode, she needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP ;). The saying that you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone holds very true for Zubeida. Zubeida’s confession that Ghazanfar still loved her and she wanted to be with him proved to be the final nail in the coffin. I guess Farman needed to hear that from Zubeida herself in order to believe it.

Bari Apa proved to be a rollercoaster ride of emotions; there actually were times when I was so into the play that I thought I was better off distancing myself from it! And that could be the reason why some of the reviews were very blunt. There was actually a time when I was in love with Zubeida’s character and found justifications for her behavior but I obviously know better now. I do think though that Ghazanfar got away with just as much as Zubeida tried to get away with, the only difference between the two was that Ghazanfar was wise enough o save his home and Zubeida’s overconfidence in Ghazanfar proved to be fatal!

Nauman ijaz played his character so well; I honestly did not think he would fit in so perfectly in this role. Savera Nadeem proved yet again that she is exceptionally talented; she breathed life into Bari Apa’s character. What an outstanding performance from her, she never fails to impress and is always a delight to watch. Arjumand Rahim was extremely well-suited for her character and I have never liked her better in any other role. Ayesha Khan was the perfect choice for playing Neelam. There were times especially in the last few episodes when Waqas Khan’s dialogue delivery failed to leave an impression but overall he performed his character superbly too. We seldom get to watch plays in which the leading cast is so perfect.

There were certain scenes in particular in this drama that I won’t be forgetting for a very long time, the credit for them goes to the entire team, the writer, director, actors and the production house. The episode in which Zubeida found out about Neelam was one of the best episodes of the serial. The scene in which Neelam and Eesa come to Farman’s house for Sharmeen’s proposal was beyond perfect. The way all the different characters were interrelated and the manner in which the story gradually unfolded was absolutely brilliant. The young actors have a long way to go and I wish them all the best, I am sure they will do great in their upcoming projects.

Thank you Samira Fazal for keeping us glued to our Televison screens; this was one play that did not allow me to switch channels for even a few seconds, because every dialogue and every scene was a must watch. Kudos to Saife Hassan for doing an amazing job and giving attention to every little detail. MD productions plays always have the best picture quality and simply loved everyone’s make ups all through the play, the person who was responsible for the make-up also deserves due credit. A very special thanks to all  our readers who took their time out to read the review and  for sharing your thoughts on this thread. Samira Fazal ji you have been very kind and I cannot thank you enough for engaging so actively in the discussions as often as you could, your presence made the experience extra special.


Fatima Awan.

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Bari Apa – The Finale