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Aunn Zara Episode 15 Review :Zara JI


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Normally I wait an hour or so to gather my thoughts, then I re watch an episode to write a review. Luckily AZ is so well made it doesn’t make the viewer work so hard. I don’t have to strain my ears to catch important dialogues, I don’t have to fast forward boring scenes and best of all I can understand quite clearly what is going on rather than racking my brains over what one long significant glance (which passes for acting in higher circles) might possibly mean. It is not just about less telling and more showing it is also about the care and hard work put into an episode by an entire team. It is a team effort which makes a product so polished and finished it actually feels effortless. Again thank you  to the sound editors , the DP or cinematographer(Ilyas Kashmiri) , the Director(Haissem Hussain), the actors and the writer(Faiza Iftikhar) for taking it easy on the viewer and doing the hard work for us. I know I say this in some form every week but just compare this serial to the others we are, I admit ,quite happily following and you will see how much easier Aunn Zara is to understand.                                                                                                                                                                     images (7)

Ok, I just put my soap box away and now it’s time to get serious: Zara quite clearly needs her head examined. As soon as Dadi gave her the time of day she started ignoring Aunn again and spent the night gossiping with the old lady only returning to her room after Aunn had gone to sleep .I hate to say it but our boy Aunn has a point. He is definitely going about this the absolute wrong way, but he has a point. Any sympathy I might have had for Zara ji is fast disappearing. Would someone please explain to Maya Ali that acting does not consist of keeping your mouth open at all times, perhaps it is my partisan love of Aunn or perhaps it is Maya Ali and her constantly open mouth? There is the most amazing scene of the drop dead gorgeous Aunn sitting in a firozi kurta and and samjaofying this woman …I mean what more persuasion do you need, just look at him. Hence my suggestion that psychiatric intervention is the only answer ..images (9)

Meanwhile Nighat and Jamshed somehow find themselves discussing things in Jamshed’s car…… .again. I have to say I love Nighat’s character, she may over react at times but she is determinedly not the mazloom aurat so beloved of our audiences. She is upset for a day then is back to shopping and visiting her friends instead of sighing and gazing out of cars or at the paint in her room. The misunderstandings, helped along by a good dose of Aunns Sazishing ,are slowly building up .What I did like was that no one fell into Aunn’s little verbal traps with ease. The essential  good nature of both Zara and her in laws kept surfacing: each wanting to give the other the benefit of the doubt or at the very least let things go and move on. After a while, Aunn’s well-placed whispers wormed their way into their thoughts and broke the spirit of all their good intentions. Even Chacha and Chachi’s visit did not bring a change. I know this serial is not meant to be preachy but it certainly showed a thing or two about direct communication with people and not relying on a few words or extrapolating from there to come to usually the wrong conclusions.

images (34) Aunn has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams; I think ‘Zara ji” is well and truly pregnant. This should be a time of celebration but it looks like no one will get to enjoy it because of Aunn’s machinations. As usual Aunn is oblivious to everything except his own needs and is searching for even more ways of screwing up his life. This time he gets Manzar to bring him sleeping pills, presumably to drug his Dadi? Aunn and Manzar’s one small scene stole the show again, but did I miss something when did Manzar get kicked out of Aunn’s house? PLEASE can we have more Manzar scenes? We need to move this story along, Manzar and Shehna need to get their act together, not to mention Nighat and Jamshed.  Now Zaraji is having a baby perhaps the family will leave the bride and groom alone and concentrate on the new addition. What I am hoping is that perhaps Aunn’s father might actually come back to see his grandchild. Aunn really needs a Man’s guidance:he would tell his son  that a white tie on a red and white striped shirt  is a crime against humanity ….My eyes hurt .

Written by Sadaf





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Aunn Zara Episode 15 Review :Zara JI