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Aunn Zara Episode 14 Review :(Dis) Engagment


This was a slow episode for me .I could not wait for it to be over especially the second half. When I get this emotionally attached to characters then it’s hard to see them hurt or upset. The fledgling romance between Nighat Parveen and Jamshed should have been left well alone to smolder on its own, when the moment of truth came Jamshed ran a mileimages (33). What Zara had thought would be a wonderful surprise engagement party for father and Aunt in law turned out to be a disaster. Even then the good intentions of all parties involved combined with a lot of sincere apologies might have healed the wounds but the Machiavelli of Lahore, Aunn ,decides to manipulate the entire situation so Zara has no choice but to turn to him and only him. Time to put my counseling hat on and dish out some free advice because like any household dispute it’s complicated.

AUNN : You aren’t going to get out of Slytherin house this way .Put the girl down take a  deep breath , drink a glass of ice cold water …go for a drive then repeat after me ..She is a human being not a toy, she is a human being not a toy, she is a human being ….. AND if I want her attenion I will have to learn how to communicate . You are an adult not a little boy who had his toy taken away970489_318288471637738_1274981348_n

Zara : By now you will have realized that despite all their smiles , praise and acceptance there is a difference between your sasural and your actual family . Over time that distinction will blur and may even disappear but right now you don’t have enough credit in their collective emotional bank account to cash the check you just wrote. Learn to mind your own business and your business is Aunn not filling in the emotional gaps of your childhood. Yes, the good looking guy pulling faces in the corner is the one who deserves your attention and he should always be your no1 priority because no matter how dumb he acts he is the reason you are there. Sort out your own relationship before acting as a matchmaker. Another thing, when you wish to register surprise or apprehension it is not always necessary to keep your mouth open.

Dadi : Respect begets respect. If you had treated your daughter Nighat Parveen with any semblance of dignity at any point, perhaps Zara and a few other people would think twice about hurting her feelings in this way. If you are the bazurg in this house act like it and stop following the advice of newly wed girl who is barely twenty.

Husna: You are a fabulous mother and daughter in law, stop covering for your husband. Let Aunn know how you really feel, tell your son about your loneliness, help him understand and grow as a person.

Nighat Parveen : well that’s karma for you . Poor Shehna had her character torn to shreds in a public place by you and your mother so next time, think before you act. Having said that Zara really does need to come and apologize to you.

Over all I cannot say that I enjoyed this episode as much , there were very few laughs  and a lot of misunderstandings . I think I really felt sorry for Nighat Parveen , wonderfully played by Sabreen Hasbani .  The chemistry between this cast is phenomenal and it really felt like a family had been torn apart . I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the wicked looks of satisfaction on Aunn’s face or his Phupey kutni type manipulations of everyone. A lot of the magic that has been Aunn Zara is the way it is shot . The camera work has somehow defused the need for big sets and interior design. The viewers eyes are kept firmly on the actors and the details of the story so a shout out to the DOP Ilyas Kashmiri for such great work . images (34) 

written by Sadaf







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Aunn Zara Episode 14 Review :(Dis) Engagment