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Well, well! What an interesting turn of events this week! Infuriating as Surraya aunty might be, methinks she has probably done Meesha and Rooman both a huge favour by blackmailing the latter into sticking around instead of packing and leaving…

With this episode of Aik Nayee Cinderella, one thing is for sure – the drama serial has definitely gotten a lot more intriguing and the suspense factor has increased threefold. The story is well and truly on an incline that is in stark contrast to the novel itself. In fact, those who have read the original story will agree that Faiza Iftikhar has brilliantly woven in the serial the answer to all those unanswered, Tishnagi-like questions that an average reader (like myself) had felt after the end of the last installment of the novel. I won’t elaborate this particular point here (as it would spoil the surprises for those who are not aware of how the novel ends!)

In any case, we saw more of Meesha and Mayer this week – and oh boy, the confrontation between Rooman and Mayer is something you HAVE to watch. When Mayer asked Meesha who Rooman is, it was a total hair-raising, breath-holding moment – although seriously, it wasn’t such a big deal as compared to what was going on in the lives of the other characters. Aimee’s flight, Zainee’s arrest and Bano’s new tactics to separate Mayer and Meesha were more dramatic. However, it was the casual interaction between Mayer and Meesha that had me smiling – smiling because Meesha is so obviously not happy about her upcoming engagement but refuses to talk it out with Rooman. Thankfully, Rooman has realized that something (read, a misunderstanding) is up with Meesha.

Most of the episode today also focused upon Bano’s totally unreasonable demands, and the Meesha-Granny conflict that resulted. As I wanted this particular sequence to be over (after a while, Granny’s dialogues got repetitive), I was glad it was wrapped up in 20 or so minutes and Meesha came into her senses. Meher also seemed to have gotten off her high horse after discovering what her two daughters had been upto.

The acting was spot on this week – Faizan Khawaja, Maya Ali, Osman Khalid Butt and the rest did an amazing job. Although this was an episode on the conversational side, the scenes remained short enough to keep you hooked and prevent you from changing the channel. My favourite scene has to be when Aimee launches into a “I will not ride a donkey” tirade. Warda Butt is totally into her role as well.

There’s not much to write this week, but I seriously cannot wait for next week – Rooman as a wedding planner for Meesha and Mayer? Meher on Team Meesha? Now THAT is something you cannot miss. Excellent, excellent job by Haissam Hussain and co.!

Written by Drama Buff ([email protected])

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Aik Nayee Cinderella – Episode 12