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My reaction after watching the last episode of Bari Apa was WOW and this time around it was WOW x 10. Can this play get any better? Well, I think it can because it has so much potential that it just keeps on getting better and better. Today’s episode was absolutely flawless in terms of acting, direction, story and camera work….can I say wow again! Even the youngsters proved that I was completely wrong in thinking that they cannot act. Sara Khan in particular proved that she can act very well. The scenes were short and to the point, which like always made it impossible for me to budge from in front of my TV screen. A gigantic thanks to the entire team of Bari Apa for a job tremendously well done… I am completely sold! You guys totally blew me away today. I am not even sure where to begin from.

The way Bari Apa found out about Farman’s “dirty Secret” was beyond brilliant…she did not see that coming and neither did we. I thought she would over hear Farman and Eesa talking and that would be it but I completely enjoyed how the secret was revealed to her. Farman tried his best to cover up for himself, Eesa was willing to compromise but eventually Zubeida had to find out and I am glad we did not have to wait for five more episodes for that to happen.

Even after everything that transpired, Neelam never expected Farman to take a stand for her because in her opinion he had already done so much for her. Farman’s “logic” that he married Neelam only out of “majburi” and still loved Zubeida, seemed flawed. There was always a vacuum in Farman’s life because Zubeida never gave him the love and respect that any person would expect from his spouse and marrying Neelam was a way of filling that empty space.

The music in the background when Zubeida leaves Neelam’s house and is followed by Farman was absolute delight. I could literally feel my pulse racing and could not wait for the two to get home so we could watch the confrontation. Sharmeen’s reaction when she finds out about her father and Zubeida putting two and two together later on was absolute joy to watch. It did not feel like acting at all because all of it came so naturally. Zubeida wearing the sun glasses in the car because she was too conscious that the driver is looking at her was also good detail. And may I add that even the man playing the driver delivered today! The way he showed his confusion outside Neelam’s house and his expressions in the car showed that Saife Hassan definitely pays attention to the smallest detail.

Zubeida recalling Farman’s words, “ jaan thuk gaye ho gi paoo daba du, juice la doo” wah G kiya baat hai spot on. I was thinking exactly that…shadi kur li bacha paida kur liya aur lehtey ho majburi hai!

Looks like for a change Eesa is going to take a stand for his baji and ensure that it is not that easy for Farman to walk out of this marriage. What an interesting build up…simply loved it.

All the actors were at their best today and the editing, acting and direction was beyond perfect, we got to see the perfect expressions from everyone. Whether it was Neelam hiding behind the wall when Zubeida looks at the picture, when Sharmeen questions her father, the scene where Eesa is trying to give Neelam a wake up call and most of all Zubeida all through the play…absolutely lovely. Thank you Sameera Fazal for writing a script that keeps us on the edge of our seats, Saife Hassan for directing this play with a passion that is plain to see, the camera man for the amazing shots, all the actors for being truly brilliant and MD productions for completely making me forget that I was really looking forward to tanhayan today! I did not even change the channel during the advertisements break because I did not want to skip a second of this mind blowing episode.

Fatima Awan.


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Bari Apa: Episode 8