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So logged into facebook prior to writing this and saw a status update on my newsfeed stating teri do takkia de nukari mera lahkoon ka sawan jaey, (I honestly have no clue if that is a song, a saying, or what), but it does pretty much sum up today’s episode of  ‘Koi Nahi Apna.’  The baby has been named Shiza and Hamza got a promotion, which means more work, meaning he is never home, and that he missed out on his daughter’s first steps, meaning annoyed wife. Here is what I don’t understand; Alvira and Hamza both have smart phones so why didn’t Alvira just take a video and send it to her husband via SMS or show it to him when he got home? Would that not have been a better response than the frequent annoyance and frustrations she shows? They are a one income family and her husband has to work and usually when people are working, they work hard to provide for their families.  Why is that so hard to comprehend? She has the same equation with her mother in law. I understand that Hamza’s mother is cranky and moody, but Alvira herself is not that innocent. It’s been 6 years and her daughter is  now in school.  They live in a rather big house so why  is going into another room to do  homework an issue? How many mothers make their kids do homework in the TV lounge anyways? It’s absolutely ridiculous that such petty things become such huge issues. Her constant complaining is really getting old and now she has a friend to complain to. Episode 5 sees the entrance of Fareeda Aunty’s bhanji Zaineb, (Salma Hasan), who is newly separated from her husband. Waise for someone who’s always complaining about all the work she has to do, she’s seen at Zaineb’s drinking chai (while complaining) a lot.

Episode 5 did take what I thought were some unexpected turns. I really thought the typical saas would also be a typical daadi who would have preferred a pota vs a poti…so pleased to find out I was wrong and she was totally googoo gaagaa over baby Shiza. We also find out that Alvira’s father isn’t the rock solid, cold hearted guy he thought he was. He actually wept when he saw his daughter on an old motor bike with her husband and daughter. Not only that, he called up Hamza’s boss and requested a car be given to him from the company and didn’t even make a big deal out of it. Nice to see such turn of events and also nice that the drama is moving at a rather fast pace. As usual acting wise, everyone was on par. It was nice to see Sajid Hasan’s usual hard demeanor melt as a father does. Salma Hasan was another refreshing change in this drama and for someone who is naturally so gorgeous, I don’t think she needed the make up.  All the actors portray their characters in a such a way that you don’t realize they are acting  until it ends. Badar Mehmood’s direction is flawless and I must mention that the editors did a fantastic job! Over all while the script is old, the drama is getting better every week.


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Koi Nahi Apna – Episode 5