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Fawad Khan in Dallas for IRUSA

Islamic Relief is a multinational charitable organization that works like the conscience of the Ummah. It helps around the world: whether it is the families of the factory workers who recently died in Bangladesh, Syrian refugees or hurricane victims in the USA. Islamic Relief can be found where ever there is a need, regardless of religion or nationality

Fawad Khan was in Dallas for the last leg of an exhausting eight city, yes eight city tour. Only one of those venues was missed (due to Visa issues) otherwise each event was attended by eager Pakistani contributors . It was a great evening compered by the extremely funny and very sweet Azhar Usman . some wonderful Nasheeds were sung by the talented singer Alman Nusrat .

“We had always contributed to Islamic Relief .we used to mail in a cheque before Ramadan. Now we know exactly how they (IRUSA) are using the money” said one contributor.

Like most Pakistanis, a lot of the audience had watched Humsafar and were following Zindagi Gulzar Hai, so Fawad Khan’s presence was like a magnet for many, providing that extra attraction to attend the fundraising. There were quite a few very eloquent and motivating speakers, some of whom you can hear in the short clip provided .Fawad Khan was invited to speak at the end and proved to be worth the wait .He was not only well spoken and articulate but very inspiring. Many who had already given decided to dig even deeper into their pockets after hearing him. At the end of the function Fawad posed with each and every one of the attendees who wished to have their picture taken with him.

It was a great event which raised a great deal of money for Islamic Relief’s work in Pakistan. Perhaps one of the best parts was that Dallas raised the most money out of all the cities this event was held in. So well done Dallas and indeed all the contributors in every city.!!!

The picture quality may not be perfect but it we hope you guys will give us some slack on that. We are putting this up to kill two birds with one stone: we all get to see our favourite Fawad and since Ramadan is about to begin it is a nice way to remind ourselves of donate and give to others less fortunate than ourselves.

Fawad Khan Fundraiser at Dallas

Fawad Khan Fundraiser at Dallas from Drama Pakistanii on Vimeo.



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Fawad Khan in Dallas for IRUSA